This is the website for writer David J. Mills, who thinks he is funny.  It is filled with humorous poems, short stories and articles.  If you just want to laugh, or groan at some bad puns, check out the items on the main page, the “lighter” side.   I also have some more serious work, some sober thoughts and some downright depressing material.  Check “The Dark Side” under Poems or Short Stories.  And let me know if you like them.

I also have a comic novel that is now published!  I have had a couple of readings and I’m working on doing more.  I’m also hoping to have the novel on Amazon soon.  More info about the novel itself under My Novel.  There you’ll also find a synopsis with some short excerpts.  Let me know if this is a novel you’d be interested in reading (i.e. buying).

While I generally don’t like being followed, you can follow me on Facebook, which will give you notices whenever I add something new or have my novel published – whichever comes first.

BIOGRAPHY:  Who am I?  I am a free-lance writer of many styles, living in Toronto and working at a local university where I started when the Internet was still a gleam in Al Gore’s eyes. Here are a few places where I’ve been published:

Feels ‘Zine, Existere Magazine, the Toronto Star, Aspiring Writers Anthology 2013 and I have been featured in York University’s internal newsletter (see ‘My Secret Life’ below).




My Secret Life: Comedy writer continues to experiment with styles and subjects